On The Open Road

  • "Somewhere between the 'right' and the 'wrong', the 'past' and the 'future', there lies a 'now'. Don't let it go. For now often leads to a new road! If you're still unsure about what you want to do, let yourselves loose on the open road. You will come back with an answer...... "
  • "We belong to a generation full of broken hearts and wandering souls, just blank from the inside, in a constant search for ourselves, looking for something we don't know yet, in the empty spaces of life. It is not that we can't do great things, but we're raised to believe - we can't!"
  • "When you work on what you love; it acts like meditation. If each one of us does what we love and pour our heart and soul into it, we would not have to meditate elsewhere at any point in time."
  • “Always remember, entrepreneurship is not a profession. It is an attitude! You may never start up a company but don’t ever let the entrepreneur in you die!”
  • “Never judge someone by who they are today, but who they can become tomorrow.”
  • "The world is our home. It is delusional to call your apartment home. Even worse to stick to the same place all though your life. If you've found love, happiness or togetherness somewhere, you've certainly found a home."
  • "Entrepreneurship is not a profession. its an attitude!! You may never start up a company, but never let the entrepreneur in you die."
  • " You want to please everyone. I am happy pleasing myself."
  • "The fear of failure holds you back!"
  • "Failure and success are a part of the journey. But the journey is crucial. It is the journey that makes me what i am today."
  • "Sometimes, moving on in life is the only way. You can not stay stuck in a relationship if you feel miserable."
  • "You either do or not do. There is no try."
  • "But don't let the spark in you die. When you look into the mirror, you should know that you're born to reach for the stars." 
  • "A perfect coffee is like a perfect kiss, it melts your heart, arouses your senses and leaves a trail of excitement down your spin!"
  • "A relationship has the capability to make you feel either fulfilled or hollow."
  • "We belong to a generation full of broken hearts and wandering souls, just blank from the inside, in constant search for ourselves, looking for something we don't know yet, in the empty spaces of life. It is not that we can't do great things, but we're raised to believe - we can't!"
  • "Some things are to be left to God, or serendipity, or the universe, that there is a bigger plan that we are all a part of! I don't know if any of it could be true for me."
  • "As long as you know who you are, i guess it is okay to be crazy."
  • "We push ourselves hard to upgrade our lifestyle, which mostly means upgrading the clothes we wear, how we smell, the cars and bungalows we own. Yet, it is funny how we feel complete simply lying bare on the soil, the beach side or the valley amidst mountains."
  • "Sometimes, connecting with a stranger is far easier than connecting with our close ones. The conversation flows so effortlessly. Isn't it the strangest thing?"
  • "The thirst for knowledge should keep you going. As the knowledge is infinite, there is no particular destination. Keep learning, every day, every time, keep searching, keep looking."

Where The Sun Never Set:

  • In our universe, change is the only constant. If you try to structure the randomness of life, you are going against the law of nature.
  • Not every bird finds its way back home. Some birds are lost forever on the journey of migration they make every winter.
  • Running away from your problems can only take you so far. One day you have to face them and overcome them.
  • You are not guilty about someone else progressing, you are guilty about not moving enough. Set individual goals and achieve them. When you look up to someone, don't feel jealous. Look up to them and feel inspired.
  • You can be free, but trapped, and trapped but free.
  • Please do not treat us (women)  like goddesses or princesses on Women's Day, just treat us as equals on the rest of the day if you can.
  • When life closes a door someplace it opens other doors in other places. It is just about taking the time to see and find those doors.
  • It is strange how we define family by blood ties and often fail to be grateful for people who become more than family despite having no blood ties up.
  • Communication is the basis of strong relationships. You can't keep expecting things from people without communicating what you want.
  • It's okay not to feel okay on the same days. A perfect life is an illusion. A happy ending is just a story.
  • When we look at people, in person or on social media, all we see is what they want to show. That doesn't necessarily mean that it's a true reflection of their inner self. There's a storm going on in everyone's mind. Be Kind. Be Gentle.
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